
H1-Key named goodwill ambassadors of Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities


The members of girl group H1-Key were appointed goodwill ambassadors for the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities (KEAD) on Thursday, GLG Entertainment announced Friday.

The members will spend a year raising awareness for the organization, which is a subsidiary of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and promoting its efforts to boost employment for the disabled.

“We will carry out our activities dutifully so that disabled people can bring out the best of their abilities despite [being in a situation] where they might face prejudice and difficulties,” the group said through a news release.

H1-KEY — a quartet of members Riina, Hwiseo, Seoi and Yel — debuted in January 2022 with its first single “Athletic Girl.”

“Rose Blossom” (2023), the title track from the group's first EP, conveyed a message of tenaciously overcoming life's hardships through its depiction of a rose blooming in a concrete city.

The group recently released digital singles “Thinkin’ About You” and “Deeper” in January and February, respectively.

To find out more about H1-Key, visit Celeb Confirmed!